Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fill out the First Amendment Reflection Questions Doc and submit through Schoology

When done watch videos below or study for the Quiz Friday! (See Monday's post for Study Guide or the back of your calendar!)

Don’t forget Quiz Friday!!! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday February 27, 2019

Good Morning/Afternoon!

Get Handout  "Fishbowl Worksheet"

Do Now: What is the purpose of a fishbowl activity, and what do you think the rules should be?


Watch a short video on the rules for a fishbowl activity.

Rules will also be on a slideshow after we watch the video rules:Fishbowl Rules

Fishbowl discussion on the topics that you have chosen for the rest of the class- outside the fishbowl make observations on the handout.

Exit Ticket: What is one thing that went well in this activity and one thing that can be improved?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019

Google Slide with directions for the day
Do Now: Find your group with the same article that you read for homework, take out your article

Current Event Articles- In your group discuss important key topics that you have read.
Discuss your policy and constitution questions.

After you have discussed your article with your group, find a group that consists of peers with different articles, and teach each other the key points in those articles.

Exit Ticket: What thoughts do you have about the gallery walk exercise?

Homework: Fill out chart and come to class prepared (with evidence) one of the starred scenarios on your homework paper. Be ready to have a meaningful in-class discussion on the scenarios in your homework. Homework

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday February 15, 2019

Happy Friday!!!

We will be reading the article and answering the questions below what you don't finish in class will be homework.  if you complete it digitally submit  through

Freedom of Speech and the Press

Analysis Questions

Discuss: Why is freedom of speech so important in a democratic society?

Have an awesome break!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thurs February 14, 2019

Hi All-

Today we will be learning about one of the last parts of the First Amendment - Freedom of the Press

Do Now:

The Red Scare was a time when suspected communists were put in jail by the hundreds. Many others lost their jobs and lives were ruined. Is there another time in history (or the present ) in which people were/are unfairly treated because of suspicions, or other beliefs? Edward Murrow Article

Exit Ticket

Video Questions/Discussions

What were Edward Murrow's main points against Senator McCarthy?

What do you think of Senator McCarthy's attacks against Edward Murrow?

What surprised you about these news reports compared to today?

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Monday Feb 4

This week's calendar: CALENDAR

Do Now:

If you watched the Superbowl what was your favorite part? i.e. was it the advertisements, half time shows, the game?

If you did not watch the Superbowl what did you do this weekend?

Answer the questions using the video below.  Finish for HW

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Early Release today!

In class today students will be part of a small group.  Each group member is an expert on a different Supreme Court case pertaining to freedom of assembly and/or petition.  Each student will teach the small group about their case through the sharing of their flyer.

Homework tonight: Ducksters Red Scare Article
Read, highlight, and record the 3-5 most important ideas from the the Red Scare Ducksters article.  This article will be the basis of class tomorrow so it is important to know!!!

Monday, February 11, 2019

This week's calendar: HERE!

Assembly & Petition Google Slides-Notes from class

Flyer Example & Directions

Assembly & Petition Supreme Court Cases

Do Now: What happens in society when individuals can't meet privately to discuss political ideas or to express their views to the government?

Directions for the Flyer:

At each group there is a supreme court case printed out in regard to the right to assemble and petition. Your assignment is to create a promotional flyer for the First Amendment Education Institution. This must be done individually -digitally or on paper.

In your flyer you must include in your OWN words:

What are the facts of your case and its importance?

How does your case affect our lives today?

Why should people care about the rights to assemble and petition?

This will be homework if not finished in class today.

You will be sharing your flyer with your group.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday February 7th 2019

Morning Everyone:

Do Now:

Summarize the religion part of the First Amendment in your own words.

Using  the scenarios provided, in your groups create a skit and perform it in class.

Exit Ticket:

What challenges do students, parents, teachers and administrators face when trying to protect freedom of religion, how does the First Amendment guarantee this right?

Enrichment Option for homework: What are your thoughts on the school rules about the Pledge of Allegiance?

My summary of the religion part of the First Amendment (for the Do Now):

Establishment Clause: In the United States there can not be one state religion that the country has to abide by.

Free Exercise Clause: In the United States you can worship as you will without any repercussions.

3. Question

Why do you think the Founders included both of these protections for freedom of religion?
I think they included these because they protected their country from one controlling religion, and also stated that citizens can choose to believe and pray in anyway they choose.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Morning All!

Today we are going to talk about freedom of religion.

Do Now:

Does freedom of religion impact you? Why or why not?

We will look at the cases of Billy Gobitas and Bridget Mergens in pairs

In our pairs we will summarize the court cases and then talk about religion in
public schools using true/false statements.

Exit Ticket:

Why is freedom of religion important? What challenges do students, parents, teachers and administrators face when trying to protect freedom of religion, and how does the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion?

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Good Morning/ Afternoon All:

Today we will be talking about dress code and the Supreme Court Case Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District.


How would you feel if JFK banned all shirts with Sports/ or Music logos?
Should they be able to make a rule like that?


Dress Code video :

This is what dress codes actually do

Class discussion

Do you think the content in the video is disruptive to student learning? Does the school violate Tinker vs. Des Moines? What is the dress code at JFK? (see handout) Does anything surprise you from the video?

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday, February 1 2019

Good Morning/ Afternoon

Agenda for February 1, 2019

Do Now:

Write about an important cause that you care about.

Today we will be discussing the First Amendment and how it protects not only our "speech", but also
symbols, music, art etc.

We will be creating our own posters- without using words. These posters will portray an important cause to you just using symbols (art). We will hang them in the classroom and discuss whether or not you could get your cause across without using words.

Do you need words to communicate your thoughts?

Exit Ticket: Did anything surprise you about the type of speech that was protected from the scenario activity?What did you learn?

Happy Friday

-Ms. Callery