Wednesday, January 31, 2018

After previewing the movies please fill out the google form to rank your choices:

Today's Directions:
1. After filling out the Google Form you will work on peer editing and revising

The information from the Washington Quiz will be included in a future quiz.  NO QUIZ THURSDAY!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Today in class we will make sure that all quotes are embedded within a sentence.  Here is a handout that includes wording and example to help you: Embedding Quotes

At this point your essay should be cited using parenthetical citation, all quotes should be embedded within a sentence, and you should be ready for peer editing and revising.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Important for this week

Continuing our essays...

By the end of class today your 1st draft should be complete and parenthetically cited correctly.

Using Parenthetical Citation 

Here is the Work Cited for the Hamilton/Jefferson Essay.  You may need to make your own copy and edit if you used other sources than what I provided.

1. In your essay highlight the first sentence that includes a quote or a piece of evidence you took from a source.
2. Find what source that came from
3. Using the Cheat Sheet Work Cited find the source and how it should be cited.
5. Repeat with the rest of your essay

Here is an example of parenthetical citation: example

Friday, January 26, 2018

Writing our drafts...
1. Get out all your Hamilton/Jefferson resources
2. Open the graphic organizer from yesterday. (If you weren't here check yesterdays post for essay options and organizers!)
3. Finish writing organizer
4. Start writing draft. (Check Direction Sheet for set-up instructions)

Drafts due Monday

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Today we start writing!

1. Pick which essay you will write Hamilton/Jefferson Essay options & Directions
2. Use a graphic organizer to plan your writing and evidence
Option # 1 Writing Organizer
Option # 2 Writing Organizer
Option # 3 Writing Organizer
Option #4 MODIFIED Writing Organizer
3. Set up the document & share it with fbisbee
4. Drafts due Monday!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Yesterday students explored the compromise that was made between Hamilton, Jefferson and Madison that lead to the creation of the National Bank and locating the capitol in Virginia.

In class Tuesday we worked with partners to complete: Political Parties Reading & Questions if you did not finish in class or were absent I will be checking for completion THURSDAY!

Also due tomorrow is Hamilton/Jefferson Background Information please highlight and fill in the bubbles!

Thursday and Friday we will start writing a short essay about Hamilton and Jefferson's political ideology and who students agree with more. This draft will be checked MONDAY!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Continuing to explore the political ideologies of Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson...
-Today students will use "Cabinet Battle #1" from Hamilton and primary source quotes from Jefferson and Hamilton to gather evidence about the National Bank

Here are the Google Slides: Hamilton/Jefferson Slides

This week's calendar:WEEK OF JAN 22 CALENDAR

Important Due Dates:
-Hamilton/Jefferson Draft due 1/29
-Washington's Presidency Quiz 2/1 see study guide Washington Study Guide

Friday, January 19, 2018

Exploring the Ideals of Hamilton and Jefferson...
-Today in class students used lyrics from Hamilton's "Cabinet Battle #2," Staying Neutral Reading and 3 other documents to gather evidence about Hamilton & Jefferson's opinion on America's involvement in the French Revolution.

The "Staying Neutral" Packet will be checked Monday for Completion
Image result for hamilton cabinet battle 1

Monday, January 15, 2018

Sorry I didn’t expect to be sick today!
1. Put timelines on the back table to turn them in
2. Watch video:
3. Read and answer questions in the “Staying Neutral” packet. Questions should
Be answered in complete sentences that restate the question in the answer. Packet will be checked.

Other videos of interest

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Please add this blog to your favorites!!

Today's directions:
1. Watch George Washington Video Clip
2. George Washington Kahoot
3. Take the Sheppard Software Pretest.50 States Link  RECORD YOUR SCORE
4. Take the google form:PRETEST GOOGLE FORM
5. Practice the 50 states using Sheppard software, complete your George Washington HW or work on timeline

Monday, January 8, 2018

Continue working on those timelines! They are due Friday!

Also due Friday is the George Washington Reading & Questions