Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Building a Case!

Today's Goal:

1. Complete the Building A Case Organizer

To do this you need to

1. Embedded each quote into a sentence

2. Introduce each quote (tell what the quote is going to be about)

3. Explain the quote and how it is connected to your argument.  How does it prove your point?

4. Turn the option you chose into a topic sentence

5. Write a clincher (concluding) sentence that ties everything together!

When you are finished:
1. Make sure you shared the doc with me
2. Check ASPEN
3. Follow the links below to try some cool Revolution games or watch the videos below. Record what you did for extra credit

Monday, December 19, 2016

Picking a Side

This week's calendar: CALENDAR WEEK OF DEC 19th

Please SHARE your Boston Massacre Doc with Ms. Bisbee!!! I will be checking it and giving you feedback on Dec 22nd!

Today's Goal: 

1. Pick which argument you agree with

2. Highlight in the quote chart the 3 BEST quotes that support your argument!

3. Start putting the quotes into the Building a Case Graphic Organizer

Tomorrow you will write the sentences introducing, embedding, and explaining the quotes. 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Today's Directions:
1. Turn in American Revolution HW from Tuesday and Boston Massacre Homework from Thursday to the period folder
2. Make your own copy of this doc:Boston Massacre Arguments Primary Source
3. Share the Doc with me (fbisbee)

Today's Goal: Organize all the sources into pro-British or anti-British or neutral
Monday's Goal: Decide which argument you support and identify the 3 best quotes to support that opinion
Tuesday's Goal: Write sentences in you Building A Case Organizer

Extension Option: Turn this organizer into a paragraph or complete another organizer from the opposite argument

Propaganda and Point-of-View
Thursday in class we examined different perspectives and propaganda.
We started by reading together A Tale of Two Beasts

We discussed what propaganda is and how it is different from advertising Propaganda and Boston Massacre Google Slides This presentation includes important definitions and examples.  We compared 4 images of the Boston Massacre to the text evidence we had from out homework readings.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Acts Teacher Notes

Tonight's Homework:
Either: Read and answer questions from Book 3: "A Massacre in Boston" or Ducksters "Boston Massacre.  For a digital version of ducksters click HERE. At the bottom of the page you can hear the article read to you and then click to take the quiz.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

American Revolution

This week we will be learning about the causes of the American Revolution.  Click HERE for this week's calendar

Today students will work in partners to analyze texts about the acts that angered the colonists.  Students will identify what natural rights the acts violated and how the colonists reacted. 

For homework tonight students will complete one of the following choices:

Thursday, December 8, 2016

1. Take 50 States Test
2. Label and color 13 colonies map
3. Pass both papers in
3. Take the Google Quiz Colonial America Standard Quiz
4. Watch some of the videos below and take notes for extra credit

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Today you have the choice to...
1. practice labeling the 50 states using Sheppard Software http://www.sheppardsoftware.com
2. Practice the 24 vocabulary terms https://quizlet.com/_2trnwx
3. Practice Colonial Life Notes https://quizlet.com/_2tte54
4. As a class play Quizlet live
5. Watch the videos below for review

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

This week in history we are finishing Colonial America.

Due Monday: Farming Perspective choice assignment Assignment choices
Due Tuesday: Colony or Tribe Profile (see Friday's post)
Thursday: 50 States Test and Colony Quiz

What do I need to know for the tests on Thursday?

  1. 24 vocabulary terms
  2. Information from WTP lesson 1 Notes
  3. Label the 13 colonies on a map
  4. Divide the 13 colonies into the 3 regions on a map
  5. Label the 50 US states (capitals are extra credit only!)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Today's Directions:
1. Sit with your regional group & find what colony or tribe you will be researching Colony/Tribe Assignment List
2.. Open either the colonial or Native American Doc depending on your assignment
Colony Research DOC
Eastern Tribe Research DOC
3. complete your research
4. Create your Profile

Completed & PRINTED Profile due Tuesday, December 6th at the start of class

Here is an example of Maryland Colony of Maryland Profile Example