Friday, May 3, 2019

Abolitionist Research Project

Project Directions:    Make a copy of this: Project Direction DOC

  1. Complete the Background Info Research Chart on all 4 abolitionist leaders.
  2. Choose which individual you will study: Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, or Harriet Beecher Stowe. Or chose someone else to research: John Brown, Angelina Grimke, Sojourner Truth, David Walker, Theodore Weld...see list for more or check out this website: the questions below to guide you and the Abolitionist Symbaloo Page on the blog for more information.
  3. Choose one option from each side of the menu below and create a formal bibliography
  4. Enrichment: Create a digital presentation to share this research for extra credit or complete more than one option from each side

    Write a letter from the point-of-view of your abolitionist to another abolitionist explaining the experiences you lived through that led you to the abolitionist cause.
    Draw a sketch of your abolitionist
    Write a speech from the point-of-view of your abolitionists defending abolition and encouraging more people to join the cause
    Create a scrapbook representing important events and places from your abolitionist's life
    Create an annotated timeline of at least 10 significant events from your abolitionist’s life.  The annotation summaries should be in first person
    Create a map showing where your abolitionist lived and worked during his or her life
    Write a journal entry from the point-of-view of your abolitionist from one important day in his or her life.  
    Create a diagram or actual model of a statue erected in honor of your abolitionist
  5. Project DUE MAY 10th at the start of class

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